
osctrl-cli is the CLI for osctrl. Its purpose is to execute actions in osctrl without having to access directly the backend or use the admin interface. It can be very handy to automate actions in scripts or similar.

Execute ./osctrl-cli -h to show the main help of the program:

$ ./osctrl-cli -h
   osctrl-cli - CLI for osctrl

   osctrl-cli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   CLI for osctrl, a fast and efficient osquery management

   user              Commands for users
   environment, env  Commands for TLS environment
   settings          Commands for settings
   node              Commands for nodes
   query             Commands for queries
   carve             Commands for file carves
   tag               Commands for tags
   check-db          Checks DB connection
   check-api         Checks API token
   login             Login into API and generate JSON config file with token
   help, h           Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --db, -d                         Connect to local osctrl DB using JSON config file (default: false) [$DB_CONFIG]
   --api, -a                        Connect to remote osctrl using JSON config file (default: true) [$API_CONFIG]
   --api-file FILE, -A FILE         Load API JSON configuration from FILE (default: "osctrl-api.json") [$API_CONFIG_FILE]
   --api-url value, -U value        The URL for osctrl API to be used [$API_URL]
   --api-token value, -T value      Token to authenticate with the osctrl API [$API_TOKEN]
   --db-file FILE, -D FILE          Load DB JSON configuration from FILE [$DB_CONFIG_FILE]
   --db-host value                  Backend host to be connected to (default: "") [$DB_HOST]
   --db-port value                  Backend port to be connected to (default: "5432") [$DB_PORT]
   --db-name value                  Database name to be used in the backend (default: "osctrl") [$DB_NAME]
   --db-user value                  Username to be used for the backend (default: "postgres") [$DB_USER]
   --db-pass value                  Password to be used for the backend (default: "postgres") [$DB_PASS]
   --db-max-idle-conns value        Maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool (default: 20) [$DB_MAX_IDLE_CONNS]
   --db-max-open-conns value        Maximum number of open connections to the database (default: 100) [$DB_MAX_OPEN_CONNS]
   --db-conn-max-lifetime value     Maximum amount of time a connection may be reused (default: 30) [$DB_CONN_MAX_LIFETIME]
   --insecure, -i                   Allow insecure server connections when using SSL (default: false)
   --output-format value, -o value  Format to be used for data output (default: "pretty") [$OUTPUT_FORMAT]
   --silent, -s                     Silent mode (default: false)
   --help, -h                       show help
   --version, -v                    print the version

Each command has its own help and it is displayed appending -h to them. Each subcommand has its own help as well.