is the provisioning script for osctrl in a Docker environment. It needs a docker-compose.yml and requires docker-compose to be installed.

It uses several functions from /deploy/ The main idea behind using a helper like this is to be able to generate configurations and certificates before launching the containers. For a pure docker or k8s environment just use each Dockerfile as reference.

Execute ./docker/ -h to show the usage of the script:

$ ./docker/ -h

Usage: ./deploy/docker/ -h [PARAMETER] [PARAMETER] ...

  -h	Shows this help message and exit.
  -b	Builds new docker containers.
  -u	Run existing osctrl containers.
  -f	Forces the generation of new certificates.
  -J	Generates new JWT secret.
  -m	Uses mkcert ( to generate a certificate and trust it locally.
  -d	Takes down running osctrl containers.
  -x	Removes container images.
  -C	Existing certificate to be used with osctrl.
  -K	Existing private key to be used with osctrl.
  -D	Build development environment.

  Run dockerized osctrl building new containers and forcing to generate new certificates:
	./deploy/docker/ -u -b -f
  Run existing containers with existing certificates:
	./deploy/docker/ -u -C cert.crt -K private.key

There are good examples of the usage of in the Makefile.