
Each component of osctrl requires a separate configuration in order to operate properly. During deployment, each configuration will be generated using templates and some helper functions that are part of the provisioning tools.


The configuration of the service applies both to osctrl-tls and osctrl-admin and it is expected to be named by default tls.json and admin.json respectively. However those default values can be modified, and a different filename may be specified, using the right parameter.

The format of those files follows the template:

    "listener": "_LISTENER",
    "port": "_SERVICE_PORT",
    "host": "_SERVICE_HOST",
    "auth": "_SERVICE_AUTH",
    "logger": "_SERVICE_LOGGING",
    "carver": "_SERVICE_CARVER"

All the fields that start with an underscore, will be filled in with a value. Here are the values that can go on each:

  • _SERVICE_NAME: To identify the service that is file is configuring. It can be tls or admin,
  • _LISTENER: Local listener for the service. Usually, but sometimes in docker it could be,
  • _SERVICE_PORT: Local port for the listener. By default is 9000 for osctrl-tls and 9001 for osctrl-admin,
  • _SERVICE_HOST: Host or domain that this service will be accesible from,
  • _SERVICE_AUTH: Type of authentication that will service will implement. Values can be:
    • none - No authentication
    • json - Users provided in the same JSON configuration file
    • db - Users stored and retrieved from backend
    • saml - Authentication will be provided using SAML. It requires its own saml.json configuration file
    • headers - Authentication will be provided verifying headers, using a middleware approach
  • _SERVICE_LOGGING: Type of logging that each service will implement. Values can be:
    • none - No logging, data will be discarded
    • stdout - Logs will go to the stdout of the service
    • db - Logs will be store in the backend
    • graylog - Logs will be sent to Graylog. It requires its own graylog.json configuration file
    • splunk - Logs will be sent to Splunk. It requires its own splunk.json configuration file
    • s3 - Logs will be sent to AWS S3. It requires its own carver.json configuration file
  • _SERVICE_CARVER: Type of carver that each service will implment. Values can be:
    • db - Carves will be store in the backend
    • s3 - Carves will be sent to AWS S3. It requires its own carver.json configuration file

Each service will only allow some types! For osctrl-tls, the allowed types for logging are graylog, db and splunk while only none is allowed for auth. For osctrl-admin, the only allowed type for logging is db while for logging are db, saml, headers and json.

If you want to use the helper functions that are part of the provisioning process, first you have to import the, like so:

$ source deploy/

And now just call the function configuration_service with the correct parameters, for example:

$ configuration_service "deploy/service.json" "admin.json" "localhost|9001" "admin" "" "db" "db"

For other examples you can see how this is done during the deployment process, for the admin and the tls components.

Backend access

The access to the backend service applies to osctrl-tls, osctrl-admin and osctrl-cli considering that they all access the data stored in the backend component.

Similar to the service configuration, there is a template:

  "db": {
    "host": "_DB_HOST",
    "port": "_DB_PORT",
    "name": "_DB_NAME",
    "username": "_DB_USERNAME",
    "password": "_DB_PASSWORD",
    "max_idle_conns": 20,
    "max_open_conns": 100,
    "conn_max_lifetime": 30


TLS termination using nginx.


Metrics using InfluxDB + Telegraf + Grafana.


Loggity logs.

Logging is implemented using plugins and each plugin will require its own configuration.